Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Heart Is In The Right Place.....

It is.............

truly it is......

I swear to you......

it is..........

My HEART is in the "right place"....

Have you ever heard this saying?

"His heart was in the right place"

I heard it when I was growing up........
Usually Mom or Grandma would use the phrase in reference to someone who had made a goof, or done some incredibly unselfish act which had one way or another "backfired" on them...... or perhaps it had gone un-noticed

(ok, that probably isn't a proper word,

but hopefully you know what I mean)

Or maybe it was when someone had this really cool idea.... which in the end turned out not to be such a good idea....

(kids are especially good at those)

But, it usually turned out ok, because always there was a Mom or a Grandma to state the forgiving:

"his heart was in the right place"...

And so, life would go on....... you were somehow "forgiven"..... until the next time..........

I post about this today, because I have been telling myself this for some time now.....

"My heart was in the right place".....

I am a giving person...... And often I find myself hearing of someone's troubles, or heartaches...... and I immediately think of something nice to do for them...and I do it~ I make them something nice, or I go out and pick up a sweet gift or card for them......

But, often times in the end, it never gets to that person....

Now, sometimes this happens because I am a
"procrastinator"....... I am not proud of that fact, and I have decided to undo that particular part of my personality.... and make a genuine effort to simply "do it NOW"....

But, more often, it happens
because I look at it and worry that maybe it isn't good enough to pass along...........or maybe I would be the only one who thought it was cute... maybe the recipient would think it was silly....... not cute at all.....

And so it occured to me, that perhaps I am not the only one who does this...... perhaps there are others repeating this to themselves, and all the while keeping from sharing their specialness, and their unique gifts with the world....

And, it also occured to me..that while my heart may be in the "right place", and indeed, I know it is....BUT, if I don't follow through, and share it with others, what good is it?

And, I ask you the same thing..... if one's heart is in the right place, but we never share our gifts or our talents, or our kindness with others, then what good is it?

So, I am challenging you, just as I challenge myself now...... today........right now..... think of some nice thing you have thought about doing for someone....... perhaps for your family..... perhaps for someone you work with...... a neighbor...... and you do it...... do it today..... do it tomorrow..... but, for goodness sake, just do it!!

Share it......

show it......

and let someone know it.

Because I KNOW........

"your heart is in the right place"

This has been a R.A.O.T.....

Random Act of Thoughtfulness..........

and I am hoping you enjoyed it"

1 comment:

Connie said...

You've touched my heart today! I just found you and read your blog and it lifted my heart. Very special remembrance of your sweet man.

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Hello there! I'd like to introduce myself..... My name is Joyce and I live in northern California, in the beautiful San Joaquin Valley. In 1975, I was blessed by God with a wonderful man named Stephen. Whether or not you believe in such a thing, ours truly was "love at first sight". We were married one year later. In time, we were further blessed with 5 beautiful children, four boys and one girl. Steve was my rock, my protector, my soul mate, and my best friend. We spent 30 precious years on this earth together, and for this I give thanks each and every day of my life. Sadly, my dear Steve passed away in December of 2005. He was such a strong spirit and loving soul that I know he is still here, loving and watching over us.

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Helen Steiner Rice

1. Thou shalt be happy

2. Thou shalt use thy talents to make others glad.

3. Thou shalt rise above defeat and trouble.

4. Thou shalt look upon each day as a new day.

5. Thou shalt always do thy best and leave the rest to God.

6. Thou shalt not waste thy time and energy in useless worry.

7. Thou shalt look only on the bright side of life.

8. Thou shalt not be afraid of tomorrow.

9. Thou shalt have a kind word and a kind deed for everyone.

10. Thou shalt say each morning -- I am a child of God and nothing can hurt me.