Monday, December 31, 2007

Well, here we are........ the absolute end of the year........and, yes, I am still here........ Christmas was not as I had imagined it would be................ however........ it was a delightful one........ filled with what I can only describe as Christmas Miracles........... beginning to end.......... And, instead of beating myself up about being late for everything, including the Virtual Holiday Home Tour, I thought, well, why not still do it? Perhaps I could still share a little with my friends........ perhaps, just perhaps, there is someone out there who is not absolutely sick of seeing Christmas decorating...... better late than never, and all of that you know.......... So, lest you think my poor tree is still in-a-box, (I will not tell you, however, WHEN it came out of the box~ some of you may not believe it, and some may even faint if I did!) is my Christmas tree........... ta-da!

It is, brand new ..... bought the day after Christmas last year..... 7 1/2 feet tall! I decided to decorate it very, very simply this year....... All of the decorations, except for the birds and snowflakes, were purchased from the Cancer Thrift Store, or Goodwill.......... some appear to me to be vintage..... I'm so glad I was able to give them a new home........... I hope you enjoy looking at them with me..........
A very pretty pink one with frosty swirls~

This one is gold with white frosting..........

very light purple-lilac with chickenwire-looking netting........

some pretty white snowflakes........... perfect on a white tree.........believe it or not....

Remember the Street-Faire I went to at my son's house? I bought these sweet little ceramic birds in a shop there, for just $1.85 each..........can you believe it? They are so adorable I shall have to find a spot for them all year round...... I couldn't possibly shove them into a box......

A sweet golden Angel ornie..............

And a pink frosted teardrop ornament........ just so pretty............

And, here is one of our Velveteen Rabbit Stockings........... I had purchased one for each child one year when they were small..... it was a year when the movie was very popular.......... and on Christmas morning there was one of these hanging up for each child....... they were thrilled!

And, for one of my newest and sweetest friends and a fellow-snowman-lover, Colleen, of Main Street Memories, I simply must include a picture of a Snowman Angel I made a few years back:

And, as a reminder to us all............ a special wreath, which was my Mom's........ with a very special message............. something we should all remember every day:

HA! You didn't know it snowed in California, did you? Ahhh..........well.......... you just have to BELIEVE............

On this New Year's Eve, I hope you are all well, and happy, and with someone you love..........I love you all............and I thank you for visiting me, and allowing me to get to know you this year...........And, tonight as the clock chimes twelve, and one year turns into the next......... I am beginning a new tradition........... and I shall remember you all as I light my candle of prayer.....

I wish you health................

I wish you peace..............

I wish you happiness.............

and I wish you LOVE..............

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.
~Harlan Miller

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oooh, how fun! Tracey from Notes From A Cottage Industry is hosting a Holiday Home Tour next week~ I'm in! How about you?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

So...... what does a Mom do when Christmas is fast approaching, and she has like a bazillion and one things to do around here to get ready?????

Well, of course! She goes away to visit the eldest son for a few days!!!

What a fun weekend we had! Seems they were having a Dickin's Holiday Faire in his town on Friday night.....and, oh man, was it fun! The downtown area blocked off, and lots of street vendors and yummy foods, like chili & pizza!! And then there was the little shop that had all Christmas ornies for half~price!! And, of course those two words are my weakness.......

So much fun..... I can't wait to go again next year! Now, I would be showing you pics of the whole thing, but I left the camera in the car~ duh~
Oh well, you will have to settle for the above picture of son's pretty tree~ don't you just love Christmas trees? Isn't it wonderful how everyone decorates theirs with a different style? I honestly don't think I have ever seen an ugly tree, and I don't think I could ever tire of seeing them...... And, of course this would be where I would insert pics of my lovely Christmas tree.... but, ahem..... I don't think you would much appreciate a picture of a box, which is where my tree happens to still be right now...... ahem.....
Anywho...... it was a great time, and a nice break.......even if I do have so much to do here......

And, of course no trip to Son's is complete, without a trip to my favorite shop.....

the Cancer Society Thrift Store of course!!

I just always find the most delightful things there........ and, I am doing my part to "recycle" aren't I? And, helping such a good cause at the same time....

And, I have never come out empty handed......and this time was no exception! A new~to~me fleece sweater...... ball of crochet thread...... a few Christmas ornaments~which will look lovely on my tree (if it ever comes OUT of the box!)

And, books~~~ woohoo~ Books!!! At least one is a secret......ooooh, you'll just have to stayed tuned to hear more about it!! And, one on Angels........ and....... this delightful book~

Wow! what a neat book!! For just $3, thank you very much! It is filled with recipes to make from boxed cake mixes, 478 pages of over 150 Cakes!! And, oh so,yummy looking, I can't wait to try them all!! Don't worry...... I'll share with ya!! Well, not the cakes......but, some of the recipes!

Like this one......... which just happens to be the perfect one to take to a friends house when they have invited you for dinner, and of course, Momma always taught you that it isn't polite to go to dinner without taking something...... so, this was not only so easy to whip up, but it was delicious as well~ "try it........ you'll like it"!!!

From "easy~peasy" beginning........

To....... "tummy~yummy" end..........

And, here is the recipe:





1 Pkg (18.25 ounces) plain yellow cake mix

2 large eggs

8 Tblsp. (1 stick) butter, melted

1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees

2. Place cake mix, eggs, and melted butter in mixing bowl, and mix on low speed untill ingredients are moiistened, about 1 minute. Stop mixer, scrape down sides of bowl with rubber spatula. Add the choc chips and mix on low another 30 seconds, just to incorporate. Mixture will be very thick.

3. Scrape batter into UNGREASED 9"X13" pan with spatula. Using spatula or your fingertips, press the batter out evenly over the bottom of the pan so that it reaches all the sides.

4. Pop in oven and bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until golden brown and a toothpick inserted in center comes out with a few crumbs attached.

5. Remove from oven and place on wire rack to cool for 30 minutes before cutting into squares.

6. Go into garage and find your tree~in~a~box.....

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Isn't he just too cute!?!?

I found a really neat online photo-editing site..... this is how I shaped Cody's pics, and designed the Christmas Card......and most of the features are free! You can upgrade for a few more features, but honestly, the free ones are more than enough to have fun with! And, you can link to your Flickr or Photobucket site from it!

Take a look and play!

I discovered another neat blog this morning...... It's wonderful, she is featuring one of my favorite blogs today, I have added a link on my sidebar, and here is a link for you:

I tell you, there are some of the most wonderful, beautiful, creative blogs now, and the Holiday crafts, and cooking, and decorating are just awesome! Talk about "eye-candy", I could just get lost...... like a kid in a candy store! Even when I wasn't feeling so hot, I was able to "window-shop" here from my room.... I just love it!

And, as if that were not enough...........
there are the Magazine sites with the most wonderful ideas as well!
Mags like:

who has this adorable feature of Snowmen to make!

And, I love their "tip of the day" which is:

Don’t worry about taking down
Christmas decorations on Dec. 26th.

Leave your snowmen decorations
up all winter long.

So, there are some cool things for you today........
it really is so good to be back!
I missed ya!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I'm still here! Have been a bit "under the weather"..... but, am still here..... and doing better........ hoping to return to visit with you all very soon!

I hope you are enjoying your Holiday Season!

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Helen Steiner Rice

1. Thou shalt be happy

2. Thou shalt use thy talents to make others glad.

3. Thou shalt rise above defeat and trouble.

4. Thou shalt look upon each day as a new day.

5. Thou shalt always do thy best and leave the rest to God.

6. Thou shalt not waste thy time and energy in useless worry.

7. Thou shalt look only on the bright side of life.

8. Thou shalt not be afraid of tomorrow.

9. Thou shalt have a kind word and a kind deed for everyone.

10. Thou shalt say each morning -- I am a child of God and nothing can hurt me.