Thursday, March 20, 2008

I simply adore Easter........

And, I adore Bunnies!!

I always have...........

and so, I am so thrilled to have found

Miss Sandy's Easter Parade!

Please come join me on a little

"Easter Galleria"

here at Brookside Cottage.......'s little 'ol me...

age 3..........

complete with my

Easter Bonnet!


A few of my favorite Easter treasures.......

some handmade.......

and some thrifted!

My sweet bunny couple I found at Goodwill last year.......

for just $2 each!

A set of tiny Easter ornaments

from the Cancer Society Discovery Shop...........

also just $2

A sweet little childs teaset......

from a local thrift store....

just $4.99........

and not a crack or chip anywhere!

A cutie little bunny~chick from last year..........

he came with a cellophane carrot filled

with Jelly Beans.......

of course I have

no idea

what happened to them


A very special little bunny I made for my Mom perhaps 10 years ago.....

Two sweetest little bunnies

from my sweet friend Amy

And, a little Bunny cross stitch

I recently made

for a very special friend.....

A pretty Ballerina Bunny I bought from eBay last year........

so sweet & shabby .....

don't you think?

And, she is sitting in front of my

Easter Tablecloth

which I have had for over 20 years now!

And, a cute, cute, cute Chicky with a wagon

which sits atop the dining table.....

with a pretty yellow-roses tablecloth

which is one of my recent

treasures, also from


Ah, I could go on forever.......

but, I want you to see all the other

delightful blogs

participating in the

Easter Parade...

And, Miss Sandy is having

A give-away as well,

isn't that "egg-citing?!"

I know

you don't want to miss it...

I am on my way over there now.....


"lettuce" all........

"Hop On Over"~

go ahead......

I won't "carrot" all........

but, you be sure and come back soon!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Today I share with you this vignette of Love.......... it is out my front window..... If you look closely you can see the beautiful blue sky behind the sweet white Spring blossoms on my tree.....which is behind the gorgeous faux stained glass which my dear Love created for me..... screened by a set of glorious lace curtains which evoke memories of my precious Grandma's house....... and all are illuminated with the Light of God's Love......
Today, I challenge you to look beyond..... to take the time to look at something simple which you may see every day, but perhaps just rush by in the hurry of day to day life....... and just look into it, look beyond it, look at it in layers.... through the eyes of Love....... I would love to hear and/or see what you find............
Lord, I pray that I never be so busy as to miss the signs of love......

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Realize that true happiness lies within you.
Waste no time and effort
searching for peace
and contentment
and joy
in the world outside.
Remember that there is no happiness
in having
or in getting,
but only in giving.
Reach out.
Happiness is a perfume
you cannot pour on others
without getting a few drops on yourself.

Og Mandino

Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Little Bloggie Love!

A little award I made up for all of my sweet, sweet friends!
It would however, take me forever to pass it on to all of the wonderful sweet bloggers I, please feel free to take it, put it on your blog......

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

*A Little Bunny~Love*

Well...... what a beautiful day here!! Simply gorgeous outside........ and, here on my blog..... so many sweet, lovely ladies stopping by! I just LOVE it!
For those who asked.......... yes, that is lil 'ol me on the banner photo~ I was just 4 yrs old....... I'll have to find more pics to share~ somewhere there is one with my Easter Bonnet! Easter was perhaps my favorite holiday as a child....... Gramma usually made my sister and I matching dresses. I remember one year she made us matching blue gingham dresses, and made my brother a shirt from it as well, and we were in a fashion show..... except that I got scared, and would not go up on stage~ poor Gramma. But, I know she loved me anyway....
Happy Day to everyone! See you soon!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God. - Job 37:14

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Hello there! I'd like to introduce myself..... My name is Joyce and I live in northern California, in the beautiful San Joaquin Valley. In 1975, I was blessed by God with a wonderful man named Stephen. Whether or not you believe in such a thing, ours truly was "love at first sight". We were married one year later. In time, we were further blessed with 5 beautiful children, four boys and one girl. Steve was my rock, my protector, my soul mate, and my best friend. We spent 30 precious years on this earth together, and for this I give thanks each and every day of my life. Sadly, my dear Steve passed away in December of 2005. He was such a strong spirit and loving soul that I know he is still here, loving and watching over us.

Grammas Little Tigger

"Gramma's Newest Little Love"

"Gramma's Newest Little Love"
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Helen Steiner Rice

1. Thou shalt be happy

2. Thou shalt use thy talents to make others glad.

3. Thou shalt rise above defeat and trouble.

4. Thou shalt look upon each day as a new day.

5. Thou shalt always do thy best and leave the rest to God.

6. Thou shalt not waste thy time and energy in useless worry.

7. Thou shalt look only on the bright side of life.

8. Thou shalt not be afraid of tomorrow.

9. Thou shalt have a kind word and a kind deed for everyone.

10. Thou shalt say each morning -- I am a child of God and nothing can hurt me.