Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I just had to share these "works of art" from some of God's original

Aren't they glorious? There were many scattered about the yard..... in the bushes.....on the garden tools...... even strung between two trees..... and each one glistening with the moisture of the morning's fog......... simply stunning they were!

God shared them with me....... and now I share them with you! I discovered them early Sunday morning, and had to run for the camera, you've taught me well, my blogging friends! ....... I had every intention of sharing them with you sooner, but life has a way of sometimes "getting in the way", you know?

All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful:

The Lord God made them all.....

Day 17: Today, I give thanks for all of God's creations........

both the great .....

and the small.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

DAY 16: Giving THANKS today for sweet new friends......

especially when they post a comment here....


for dear old friends saying hello...

and, believe it or not,

for being so tired,

that the pillow begins calling your name....

because this kind of tired

means things are getting done around here finally....

and, Thankful of course....



Sleep tight!

Friday, November 16, 2007

DAY 15:

giving Thanks this day for:

family...... friends.........home....


the holiday season....

Thursday, November 15, 2007



American Cancer Society
Discovery Shop!

it is a local thrift store,

and I love shopping there.

I love thrift stores, period. I love the concept, I love that I can find the most wonderful treasures while supporting a worthwhile cause....

you can find some of the most amazing things there....truly!

Often I just find myself in awe of my incredible luck finding things there, and sometimes I just can't believe that someone would pass along such wonderful treasures...

So, for the past couple of Saturdays DD & I have set off for the discovery shop.... and ohmy the bargains! They have the most incredible things set out for Christmas, we both have come home with some unbelievably cute stuff, and have not spent over $20 each time!

Just look at last weeks bundle of goodies:

The adorable snowman plate was just $4..... we will use it for cookies of course! And, there are two bags of ornies, the lavender colored ones I was going to paint roses on, but when I got them home I discovered they are covered in small "chicken-wire", but they will still be so sweet with ribbons on them! There are a couple of xmas hotpads in the back, which smell like cinnamon.... The pink bowls I just fell in love with....... I was thinking how pretty they would be with nuts, or candies, or even small Christmas ornaments displayed in them.......... And, the coffee cup & saucer, oh my, it has a heart on the bottom of the cup, and inside the saucer, and it is from STARBUCKS, and just $2! How could I possibly resist? Inside the cup is a very sweet Santa Bell who was just $1..... and not pictured were a pretty little turquoise necklace, a pair of aqua slacks, and a sweet pullover sweater to match! Uh, I tell you this shop is just dreamy..... I love it, love it! And, I so look forward to Saturday mornings now!!

The American Cancer Society is a wonderful organization, they are second only to Hospice in my heart..... {My dream is to actually open a Thrift store for Hospice one day} but the Cancer Society does such wonderful work as well...... I know that when Steve was first diagnosed, I called upon them when we were having transportation issues for him, and they jumped right in and helped us with whatever we needed! And the lady who talked with me on the phone just sat there and cried with me, a complete stranger, but, you could tell that when she said "I'm sorry" she really meant it....

They are an amazing charity, and honestly, if you happen to have a Cancer Society thrift store in your area, you really ought to check it out.......... Ours is having a clearance the 1st weekend in December when everything will be 50% off! I think I may camp outside the door the night before


DAY 14: I am giving thanks on this day for all of the wonderful, charity organizations who are there to help others, and those caring people who work for them and go "above and beyond" for us......

May God Bless you all..... today, and every day!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Be kinder than necessary....

for everyone you meet is

fighting some kind of battle.

Live simply

Love generously

Care deeply

Speak kindly....

Leave the rest to God.

DAY 13: Giving thanks this day for:

faith........ belief.......... kindness...

for believing that even if things don't quite go as planned,

tomorrow is a new chance to try again....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I am just "TICKLED PINK"

I have received my VERY FIRST "award" for my blog...

from one of my newest, sweetest blogging friends...

She has awarded me with the

"Friendly Site Award"

How very sweet!
thank you so much!

DAY 12: I am Giving Thanks today for FRIENDS........ new friends, old friends, and those yet to be...... they are Blessings from God, and I am so grateful for them....

Monday, November 12, 2007

DAY 11: I am SO very thankful today for:
And, of course...... it is..............
So....... here is your smile,
and some giggles too!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Day 10:
For the most perfect
red rose....
Thank you God.....

Saturday, November 10, 2007

DAY 9: I am so very very thankful this day for this:

For God's promises,

For the coming rain,

for all of our many, many blessings each and every day........

most especially those we may not always notice......

and for being able to share with everyone who visits here.

May you have many, many


today, and everyday!

And, because I feel that a large part of being grateful is showing your gratefulness through giving and passing on,

I would like to bring back my

"Pay It Forward"

post of last Saturday.....

please won't you please

join me if you can?

Friday, November 9, 2007

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice.

DAY 8:
A Special Award!

I "stumbled" upon a lovely blog last night while just wandering around some favorite blogs........... do you do that? You go to one of your favorite blogs, and look at some of their favorites, and try clicking on a few you have not yet heard of? Well, I love to do this, and have found some really wonderful blogs this way! And, well, when I happened upon this one, it just made my heart sing.......... Not only was this a lovely blog, BUT..... I heard my first Christmas song of the Season.......... And so, I would like to award my brand new "Golly Jolly Santa" award to JULIE of "Nunnie's Attic" because "Golly, she makes me Jolly!"

If you have not met Julie yet, or seen her lovely blog, please click on her name above to check it out...... And, if you see a special blog that brings you a bit of the loving Christmas spirit, please feel free to pass along my "Golly Jolly Santa Button" to them!

DAY 7: I am thankful this day for Santa Claus.....Children.......... and the definite loving Christmas Spirit in the air!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

DAY 6: So very, very thankful today for:

mmmmmm...... CHOCOLATE!!! ohmygosh, if you haven't tried this coffee, you simply must~ and........ did you know that if you make yellow cake batter, add chocolate chips, and then tell your body that it is actually a muffin.....well, then it has fewer calories!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Well, I think it is ok to be late on two days postings if you are celebrating for those two days :-) but, I am still giving thanks.... because it's never too late, or too early for that!

DAY 4: So thankful for FRIENDS......... special, special ones........ and pizza, cake and games!


DAY 5: Happy Birthday Johnny!! I am so thankful this day for my awesome kids...... for birthday parties....... and for the blessing of watching them grow......

Sunday, November 4, 2007

"Never worry about numbers.

Help one person at a time,

and always start

with the person nearest you."

- Mother Teresa

DAY 3: I am so very thankful this day for my Eyes

that can read the precious and inspiring words

and works of our Saints on earth.....

and for my hands

that I am able

to use

to help others.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

You may call it coincidence, or call it serendipity, or maybe even a little thing I like to refer to as a "God~Wink" but, when I read a post on sweet Colleen's blog yesterday, I just felt a familiar little "heart~tug", and knew I had to do this!
Now, I have read about this on other blogs, and I thought, gee, that sounds neat, I should do that when I get things caught up. But, this time, I just I knew I had to, not only because it seemed to me a sweet thing to do, BUT, just the day before I had been sitting here at my desk, and while searching under piles of papers looking for something, I found a DVD buried here on my desk. It was brand new, has never been opened, I bought it months ago, because I had heard so much about it that I wanted to see it.... And, the movie? It was

{And, you can bet I WILL be finally sitting down to watch this movie this very weekend!}

And so, here I am..... and I am doing this, and I so hope you will join me.


Below are the rules of the game, for the first 3 people who comment on this post :

1. You comment on this post.

2. You receive a handmade gift from ME.

3. You post this message on YOUR blog and offer THREE more handmade gifts to the first three commenters.

4. Thus, the cycle continues and everyone has fun and beautiful crafts to display in their home.

I will contact you for your addresses.

Please leave a comment if you choose.

Spread your wings.

Sprinkle joy.

Lift another.


Day 2: I am so very thankful today for the kindness of others, for God-Winks, and for being able to share my "gifts" with others.

Friday, November 2, 2007

In the spirit of the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday, I thought it would be nice to try to remember that indeed, we have so very much to be thankful for each and every day. So, I have made a little "button", and will do a daily post of things I am Thankful for. If you would like to join me on your own blog, please feel free to take a copy of the button below for your own use, and if you will let me know you are doing it, I will start a section on my sidebar with links to those blogs who are participating~

DAY 1:

I am so very thankful today for:

This Blog!! That I can share, and write, and dream, and meet so many new and delightful people here!

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Hello there! I'd like to introduce myself..... My name is Joyce and I live in northern California, in the beautiful San Joaquin Valley. In 1975, I was blessed by God with a wonderful man named Stephen. Whether or not you believe in such a thing, ours truly was "love at first sight". We were married one year later. In time, we were further blessed with 5 beautiful children, four boys and one girl. Steve was my rock, my protector, my soul mate, and my best friend. We spent 30 precious years on this earth together, and for this I give thanks each and every day of my life. Sadly, my dear Steve passed away in December of 2005. He was such a strong spirit and loving soul that I know he is still here, loving and watching over us.

Grammas Little Tigger

"Gramma's Newest Little Love"

"Gramma's Newest Little Love"
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Helen Steiner Rice

1. Thou shalt be happy

2. Thou shalt use thy talents to make others glad.

3. Thou shalt rise above defeat and trouble.

4. Thou shalt look upon each day as a new day.

5. Thou shalt always do thy best and leave the rest to God.

6. Thou shalt not waste thy time and energy in useless worry.

7. Thou shalt look only on the bright side of life.

8. Thou shalt not be afraid of tomorrow.

9. Thou shalt have a kind word and a kind deed for everyone.

10. Thou shalt say each morning -- I am a child of God and nothing can hurt me.
